The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association
As the major Association in the tourism sector, the MHRA represents the interests of its members on several important national policy making bodies, including the board of the Malta Tourism Authority and the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development. In addition, the Association maintains close contact with government departments and ministries, keeping them aware of the problems facing this industry from time to time. The Association’s endeavours and achievements assures it a place amongst the more important constituted bodies in Malta. Its contribution towards the improvement of the industry remains continuous and valuable. The vast majority of hotels and restaurants in the Maltese Islands, which are its members, confirm its place of importance amongst Malta’s employers’ unions. Today, MHRA has also a good number of Associate Partners whose activities are closely linked to the Tourism Sector.
Our Aims and Objectives
- To promote and safeguard the interests of the Tourism sector in general, and the interests of the Member Establishments in particular;
- To represent all Member Establishments of the Association who own, manage, or operate hotel and restaurants as defined in Article 2;
- To represent the Member Establishments in general on boards, bodies, entities, councils, or other associations, whether or not created by law, and whether promoted and appointed by Government or private enterprise, aimed at promoting, marketing, improving, regulating and generally overseeing or examining the development of the Member Establishments in Malta, sustained economic development of Malta as a whole, and all other matters which may affect, directly or indirectly, the tourism sector;
- To promote, foster and encourage at national level the formulation and implementation of legislative measures and policies designed to encourage, assist, create and develop private enterprise, profitable growth, productive employment, and competitiveness, and in particular to guide, assist and encourage the undertaking and implementation of projects, works and exercises designed to render Malta competitive and sustainable in the field of tourism; and to represent Member Establishment interests with stakeholders at both a national and international level;
- To promote and undertake by negotiation and/or arbitration the settlement of any industrial dispute which may arise either between individual Member Establishments and their respective employees, or between the Association and any constituted body of employees;
- To co-operate with other industrial and trade organisations including trade unions of employees for the regulation of the relations among employers and/or between employers and employees;
- To provide a forum for regular consultation between Member Establishments and other related bodies on matters of common interest;
- To dispense, provide and / or referral to third parties a consultative and advisory service on general matters to Member Establishments concerning the Tourism sector in Malta and internationally as appropriate and within its competency to do so;
- To obtain from Member Establishments and to maintain available at all times up-to-date statistical and other data as may be deemed necessary or desirable in order to monitor the prevailing situation of the Tourism sector in Malta;
- To obtain from other appropriate sources statistics and other data which may have relevance to the Tourism sector in Malta;
- To consult, promote or challenge and propose legislative and other measures affecting or likely to affect Member Establishments;
- To co-operate with and/or become a member or associate of any organisation of employers, internationally or otherwise, whose main objects are identical or similar to those of the Association;
- To purchase, lease, construct, maintain and alter buildings as necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Association;
- To prosecute or defend any suit, application and proceeding before any court or tribunal whatsoever as may in the opinion of the Council be deemed necessary or expedient in the interests of the Association or its Member Establishments;
- To accept, undertake or execute any trust or gift which may be deemed to be in accordance with or which may further benefit the objectives and purposes of the Association and / or its Member Establishments;
- To contribute, borrow or raise or to secure the payment of money in such manner as shall be deemed expedient;
- To raise funds by means of subscriptions and/or levies on Member Establishments or otherwise for all purposes and objectives of the Association in such amounts and in such manner as proposed by the CEO and or by Council Members as decided by the Council from time to time;
- To print and publish newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets and other publications, and to disseminate information through any other medium of communication, with respect to matters relating to the Objectives and Purpose of the Association;
- To subscribe for or acquire shares, stock and other titles, in persons and enterprises having like or similar objects as those of the Association, the subscription or acquisition of which is likely or intended to have a beneficial effect on the Tourism sector in Malta, and to invest the funds of the Association in such manner as it is reasonably calculated to generate funds for the Association;
- To subscribe for or acquire shares, stock and other titles, in persons and enterprises having like or similar objects as those of the Association, the subscription or acquisition of which is likely or intended to have a beneficial effect on the Tourism sector in Malta, and to invest the funds of the Association in such manner as it is reasonably calculated to generate funds for the Association;
- To do all such things as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Association or any of them and/or its Member Establishments.